Introduction: What is TypeScript and Why Should You Care?
The official documentation defines TypeScript in the following way
TypeScript is a strongly typed programming language that builds on JavaScript, giving you better tooling at any scale.
A strongly typed language is a language in which all data (Integers, Floats, etc) is predefined in the language and all constants and variables of a program written in that language have to be described with one of these data types.
Having being built on top of JavaScript, this means all the things you could do in JS can be accomplished with TypeScript as well with the additional benefit that you can build and manage large-scale JavaScript projects through an easy debugging and maintenance process.
What are the Benefits of Learning TypeScript?
TypeScript provides the following advatages over vanilla JavaScript
- Optional Static Typing : Once declared a variable can only have a value of a certain type and not others
- Predictability: With TypeScript, everything remains as it was defined and therefore gives you some sense of confidence in the program
- Readability: With the inclusion of types, the code becomes clearer to read
How to Install TypeScript
TypeScript is easily installed via npm
or downloading it into VSCode.
The installation instruction can be found on their official documentation
Best TypeScript Tutorials & Resources for Beginners!
- Programming with Mosh
- Effective TypeScript by O'Reilly Media
- Programming TypeScript by O'Reilly Media
Conclusion & Final Thoughts
TypeScript is an amazing language and I welcome you to use it in your next project.
Thank you for reading!